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Archives are repositories for documentary heritage that work to acquire, preserve, organize, and give public access to information and materials in any medium. Archives are a resource for everyone to use, and a community archives like The ArQuives accepts donations from community members or any record about LGBTQ2+ life in Canada.


VISION - The ArQuives aspires to be a significant resource and catalyst for those who strive for a future world where LGBTQ2+ people are accepted, valued, and celebrated.


MISSION  - The ArQuives was established to aid in the recovery and preservation of our histories. Its mandate is to:

  1. acquire, preserve, organize, and give public access to information and materials in any medium, by and about LGBTQ2+ people, primarily produced in or concerning Canada
  2. maintain a research library, international research files, and an international collection of LGBTQ2+ periodicals


Click Here to read Historical Inequities Statement

Click Here to read ArQuives' Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion Plan

Gender & Sexuality
Services & Programming Offered




  • Collections & Fonds - Personal and organizational archival records are referred to as fonds. The ArQuives also houses a number of separate collections that consist of materials that have not be amalgamated into a fonds. However, both collections and fonds include personal and organizational records and are made up of the following record types:
  1. Textual records
  2. Audio-Visual recordsSound recordings, moving image, music
  3. Posters
  4. PhotographsPrints, slides, negatives
  5. Artifacts
  6. Artworks

Click Here to View our Archival Collections



  • Our main avenues for providing educational support are through presentations about our collections, tours of our Jared Sessions House where we hold public programming and our collections reside, and walking tours of Toronto’s LGBTQ2+ historical neighbourhoods

Click Here for Programming Calendar