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Main Phone (including General Admissions):
(403) 245-9050 Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
(403) 541-4658 Evenings/Weekends


If you need immediate assistance, please call the Distress Centre at 403-266-4357


Some programs and services have been limited due to CO-VID:

- Smile Dental Bus (currently not operating)

- Alumnae Birthday Celebrations (currently not operating)


Aventa is the leader in the Province of Alberta in providing trauma-informed, gender-specific, concurrent capable, live-in addiction treatment services for women.

Aventa offers a holistic treatment approach in helping women to overcome their addictions and lead lives that are addiction free. Healthy women translate to healthy families, and healthy communities. At Aventa, women help women to build resilience so that they may overcome the effects of trauma and addictions.

Aventa is a live-in facility operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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  • March 4, 2025 4:27 am local time

Age Groups Served
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Services & Programming Offered


  • ADULT TREATMENT PROGRAM - Aventa provides concurrently capable, trauma-informed, gender-responsive addiction treatment programs to meet the unique needs of women. For Admission Info


  • YOUNG ADULT TREATMENT - a 90-day live-in program for women 18 – 24 years of age. It includes individual and group counselling, a life skills component, and a Family Counsellor for individual and family sessions. The program is a collaboration between Alberta Health Services (AHS) and Aventa. Clients must be referred by an AHS Addictions and Mental Health Counsellor via an AHS Addictions Services Office in their community. For more info


  • PREGNANCY PROGRAM - provides FASD prevention via low barrier access to addiction treatment programming for pregnant women. The program provides five funded priority admission beds to pregnant women seeking addiction treatment at Aventa as well as wrap-around services including coordination of prenatal medical care, prenatal psycho-social services, and an integrated Parenting in Recovery Program. Admission Process


  • FASD TRANSITIONS PROGRAM - helps to reduce barriers and improve post-treatment outcomes for women with FASD or suspected of having FASD, who are accessing addiction treatment at Aventa. This program provides two priority access beds within our Phase II Program. With the support of our FASD Transition Coordinator, Aventa is able to provide more individualized care to Clients with FASD or who are suspected to have FASD. This includes support in pre-treatment, during treatment, and for 90 days post-treatment. This additional one-on-one support includes assisting with the coordination of medical, financial, housing, or legal appointments, recovery programming, and connecting them with other resources for support. This may also include individualizing group content to be more accessible to women with FASD and spending additional time reviewing core concepts. Clients will gain greater independence and increase their hopefulness by strengthening their relationships with people, communities, and/or culture and enhance their well-being and sense of belonging. It can also help to decrease anxiety by providing support in processing information, making decisions, setting up plans and supports, and building on what their interests and needs are, as well as connections to family, community, and culture. Admission Process


  • JOURNEY'S PROGRAMS - supports women with complex needs who are pregnant and/or parenting, with addiction concerns. The program will provide pre, current, and post-treatment care for participants to support their recovery process and focus on creating a plan that identifies sustainable supports and removes barriers that could impact recovery. The goal is to deliver timely, integrated supports to pregnant or parenting women with addictions to reduce risk factors and facilitate a successful transition through recovery by delivering intentional pre and post-treatment supports. Admission Process



  • Aventa employs Nursing Staff five days per week whose primary focus is to do a health risk assessment on each Client and provide ongoing monitoring of medications and follow up on any health issues. A family physician who specializes in addiction medicine provides consultation with Aventa’s Clients. Aventa also works closely with a psychiatrist who offers on-site assessments and mental health support.


  • Safeworksprovides on-site services which include: testing for HIV, Hepatitis, STI and STDs, safe sex supplies and information, condoms, overdose prevention, and Naloxone kits, vaccinations as well as support and referrals.


  • Parenting in Recovery: allows Clients to share and relate about parenting and addiction. This program is offered to pregnant women or those who are parenting and currently attending Aventa. Topics include Roles, Boundaries, Communication, Anger, Guilt, and Forgiveness.


  • Momentum Financial Literacy Program - is a six-session program for YAT Clients to help them address their financial situation by looking at their assets, budgets, credit and consumerism.


  • Aventa’s Smoking Cessation Support - is offered concurrently throughout Aventa programs for Clients who are thinking about quitting, in the process of quitting, or who have already quit and want to continue staying committed to their plan. Clients who are in the process of making changes with their tobacco use will receive individual support to gain greater awareness about their tobacco use, make a plan for NRT support and learn new and healthier ways of coping.


  • Aventa’s Gambling Treatment Program - is based on a 21-step process that helps women change their addictive thought patterns, conquer their gambling habits, and develop a support network to create permanent recovery.


  • Aventa’s Healthy Fitness and Recreation Alternatives - helps to promote positive lifestyle changes in our clients. Our professional fitness centre offers a range of equipment for clients. Yoga classes are offered on-site two times per week.


  • Continuing Care Program - is a closed, weekly counsellor led support group focused on issues affecting the well-being of women and maintenance of their recovery. Aventa Alumnae can attend these meetings once they have registered for the group. For meeting dates/time(s), please visit Continuing Care Meetings. (Via Zoom)