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Since 1988 the Centre for Newcomers (CFN) has been a key resource for immigrants and refugees of all nationalities in Calgary. A social profit organization, CFN views the integration of newcomers as a two-way process of experience, influence and impact between newcomers and the communities that welcome them.


OUR VISION - Our vision is a community that values diversity, in which people of all backgrounds find and create opportunities to fulfill dreams and participate fully as citizens.


OUR MISSION - To support newcomers and the receiving community in becoming a diverse, united community, through services and initiatives that create conditions of success for newcomers and that foster a welcoming environment in Calgary.


OUR PROMISE - We believe that by welcoming newcomers, and supporting them to settle and integrate, by working collaboratively and in partnership, with a workplace culture that is founded on respect, co-operation and trust, we are making a positive difference in the lives of all Calgarians and the community.


OUR VALUES - Services at the Centre for Newcomers are influenced by and embody our values; those values are equality and respect, collaboration, communication, professionalism, caring, diversity and inclusion.

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  • Monday

    8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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    8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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    8:30 am - 4:30 pm

  • Friday

    8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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  • Sunday


  • March 9, 2025 9:16 pm local time

Gender & Sexuality
Services & Programming Offered



The Centre for Newcomers offers services to the full range of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and other sexually diverse newcomers to Canada. Whether you have permanent residency, filing for asylum as a refugee, or are here under any other status, then you can use our LGBTQ+ newcomer services. We provide service to those in Alberta from any country in the world.


For individuals, we provide one-on-one support services, group supports, information, referrals, and settlement advice. For people with permanent residency we offer ‘The Newcomers Settlement Support Program,’ and for refugee claimants and LGBTQ+ people with any other status in Canada, the ‘Alberta LGBTQ+ Newcomers Program’ can assist you.


For organizations and professionals, we provide organizational assessments, training, information, referrals, and client advice.


To make an appointment or receive more information, please email:

Boban Stojanovic - [email protected]

or Kelly Ernst - [email protected]

For More Information Click Here







  • Gang intervention - The Real ME Gang intervention Program works with newcomer youth currently involved in gang-related activities, or at risk of becoming involved in those activities. Program staff help youth participants to reach their highest future potential, regardless of their past.
  • Vulnerable Youth  - The Real ME Vulnerable Youth Settlement Program is designed to support Newcomer youth with relevant, timely and critical informational resources and orientation as they settle and go to school in Canada.
  • Mentorship - The Real ME Mentorship Program is looking for individuals who are willing to share their knowledge, experience, and wisdom and who act as guides and role models.There are several roles a mentor can play
  • Wrapcap Program - believes catering to the voices of diverse newcomer youth is a crucial piece in developing programming. The program seeks to build sector capacity with partnerships across Western Canada and is looking for youth to share the settlement experiences in Canada
  • Shades of Africa - A conference aiming to develop ways to reduce isolation of the newcomer community of African descent, rebuilding trust & creating more allies, while examining parallels and reflections within the greater Calgary community.



  • Income Support - The Newcomer Emergency Income Gap Project is a service provided that gives microloans or grants (when funds are available) to clients that do not have income and may find themselves in precarious scenarios.
  • Domestic Violence - For those experiencing domestic violence, our case managers will do their very best to address your needs. This includes creating safety plans, accessing mental health supports, and getting the resources you need.
  • Mental Health - Mental health settlement, non-therapeutic counselling, and crisis intervention as necessary. All are devoted to assessing and addressing individual, social, emotional, and behavioural aspects of the client.We help to identify situations and explore options, as well as develop and implement a plan of action.
  • Refugee Services - Dedicated to serve anyone that walks into the centre or calls. If you are a refugee claimant, have a humanitarian claim, without status in Canada and need assistance to get settled, then we can help you navigate through the right process to get what you need.
  • Case Management - Any person or family that complex and multi-need scenarios can be matched to a case manager who can help you with a large variety of needs. Our case managers are devoted to helping people with any complex scenario



  • LINC - for adult immigrants and refugees (18 years of age or older) who need to develop necessary language and life skills to actively function in the Canadian society.
  • LINC Literacy - for adult immigrants and refugees (18 years of age or older) who have never been to school or have gone to school sporadically and have insufficient exposure to the classroom environment and learning strategies.
  • Canadian Language Benchmarks - are the national standard used to describe, measure, and recognize adult English as a Second Language (ESL) ability in Canada.
  • Care For Newcomer Children Program - The LINC childcare program at the Centre for newcomers is dedicated to professional excellence focussing on early childhood education.



  • Events & Workshops - careers & job services, settlement & integration, youth & community building, indigenous education, along wth entertainment & fun are all offered throughout our wide range of events and workshops.
  • Professional Development - part of the Welcoming Cities and Leadership Projects, the following workshops are being offered to help build a settlement sector that is welcoming and inclusive of LGBTQ+ or vulnerable newcomers, immigrants and refugees
  • Cultural Competency - organizational development of cultural competency to help improve the ability to comprehend and effectively communicate with people across cultures, while working efficiently within a myriad of cultural beliefs.
