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Some programs and services have been limited due to CO-VID:

- Dental Clinic

For more CO-VID Updates

Through integrated healthcare, education, and housing, CUPS, and its partners will assist adults and families in Calgary living with the adversity of poverty and traumatic events to become self-sufficient.

Closed today Toggle weekly schedule
  • Monday

    9:45 am - 11:45 am12:45 pm - 2:45 pm

  • Tuesday

    9:45 am - 11:45 am12:45 pm - 2:45 pm

  • Wednesday

    9:45 am - 11:45 am12:45 pm - 2:45 pm

  • Thursday

    9:45 am - 11:45 am12:45 pm - 2:45 pm

  • Friday


  • Saturday


  • Sunday


  • March 9, 2025 4:52 pm local time

Gender & Sexuality
Services & Programming Offered
  • CUPS PRIMARY HEALTH CLINIC - low-income walk-in clinic for folks without a family doctor. Come here for:
  1. Check-ups
  2. Screening
  3. Treatment
  4. Prescriptions
  5. Referrals to specialists and other support services
  6. Immunizations to protect you from influenza, pnuemococcal, Hepatitis B and tetanus
  7. EKG’s

For More Info


  • FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES - for low income earning women and children with no regular family doctor who needs free health care. Come here for:
  1. Check-ups
  2. Well-woman exams
  3. Birth control
  4. STI testing
  5. Pregnancy care (gynecology and obstetric services)
  6. Children's check-ups and treatment
  7. Referrals to specialists and other support services


  • EYE CARE - You must be a low-income earner with no regular family doctor or coverage. You will need a referral from the CUPS Health Clinic. If you have no coverage, you may qualify for assistance to get glasses.

Eye Care Services is open once per month. To book an appointment contact [email protected] or 403-221-8797


  • LABWORK - Blood work and other lab tests. You must be a CUPS Client and a low-income earner with no regular family doctor.


  • LIVER CLINIC - Do you have Hepatitis C, Cirrhosis or liver disease? Come to the CUPS Liver Clinic for treatment. You must be a low-income earner with no regular family doctor, who has (or is at risk for) Hepatitis C, liver disease and/or Cirrhosis. The CUPS Liver Clinic provides:
  1. Screening/testing for those who think they’ve been exposed
  2. Consultation with an infectious disease specialist
  3. Disease monitoring and treatment
  4. Vaccination
  5. Education

For More Info


  • SPECIALIST CARE - Through CUPS Health Services, Calgarians can find specialist programs with experts in:
  1. Rheumatology (joints, muscles, and ligaments)
  2. Internal medicine
  3. Neurology (nervous system)
  4. Gastroenterology (digestive system)
  5. Dermatology (skin)
  6. Chronic pain
  7. Cardiology (heart)
  8. EKG
  9. Kidney disease
  10. Diet

For more info


  • DIABETES GROUP: The Diabetes Group is a regular education session for pre-diabetics and diabetics who qualify as low income and without a family doctor. For more info


  • OPIOID AGONIST TREATMENT: This treatment helps people manage opioid dependency with prescription drugs like Suboxone and methadone. This program is for low-income individuals without a family doctor. For more info


  • OUTREACH PROGRAMS (C2C & CAMPP): Connect 2 Care (C2C) and Calgary Allied Mobile Palliative Program (CAMPP) are intensive case management teams that will provide transitional support from acute care to the community for low-income and socially vulnerable patients. The teams will work to provide navigational support to individuals to improve access to health, addictions, housing, social, financial, and mental health supports in the community, as well as palliative and end of life care. For more info and how to refer


  • MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE - The CUPS Mental Health Clinic is for people who use CUPS Health Services and need extra support, such as:
  1. Counselling services
  2. Psychiatric assessment
  3. Medication support and prescriptions
  4. You can also come here to get referrals for:
  5. Addictions counselling
  6. Occupational therapy assessments
  7. Other mental health support agencies and programs
  8. Hospitals and hospital programs