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Click Here To Learn about Sagesse's Response to COVID-19


We are all about empowerment. Whether it’s through direct service, capacity building, education or advocacy, our job is to empower people, organizations and communities to break the cycle of domestic violence.


Over 30 years ago, a group of women, including a crisis counsellor and a survivor, recognized a gap in services for women leaving first stage shelters. This realization shaped our organization and role in supporting women along their path of healing, self-realization and growth.



  • Courage - We are compelled to create space for connections, creativity and ideas – regardless of our individual beliefs and ideals. To us, it’s about showing up and saying what needs to be said, even when it’s uncomfortable.
  • Vulnerability - We lean into the discomfort that comes with practicing with authenticity and living wholeheartedly.
  • Curiosity - We believe that in order to make sense of the world, we need to look a little harder and dig little deeper.
  • Trust in the Messiness - Our work is framed in a series of constellations, which are non-linear and continually evolving (some would say messy). Yet we trust in this and the fact that our clients, volunteers, partners, and ourselves, are exactly where we need to be – and we work from there.
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  • Monday

    9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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    9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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    9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Thursday

    9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Friday

    9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Saturday


  • Sunday


  • March 9, 2025 4:19 pm local time

Social Networks
Services & Programming Offered


Peer support groups and mentorship are for women who have experienced domestic violence, are at risk of being abused, or women involved in sex work. Our programs are facilitated by peers so that there is no power differential.

Click Here to Register for Peer Support Programs


  • Step Forward - This unique peer support program is open to anyone who is looking to connect with someone for support due to being impacted by domestic violence. Whether you are someone who has experienced abuse, provided formal or informal support, or struggled with unhealthy relationship behaviours, we will work to pair you with a peer who you can connect with in person, by phone or via email to discuss issues that are relevant to your current situation and experiences.


  • Stand By - Supporting someone experiencing or using abuse can be emotionally and mentally exhausting. This peer-based group will provide both informal and formal supporters an opportunity to talk to a Sagesse facilitator as well as other supporters. This informal setting will allow individuals to come together to discuss experiences, ask questions, and provide you with encouragement, assistance, and relief.


  • Finding Our Voices - This six-week group program focuses on issues related to self-esteem and the importance of effective communication. In Finding Our Voices, participants share their experiences and learn from each other. Topics include self-image, shame, compassion and the significance of healthy relationships – both with ourselves and others.


  • Growth Circle - A 14-week group program that delves into the experience of domestic violence. Topics range from understanding domestic violence, contextualizing experiences of trauma and shame, to creating support systems and building personal power. Facilitators are women who have experienced abuse themselves or have a specific life experience that helps them to understand abuse. We recommend participants complete the six-week Finding Our Voices program prior to registering for Growth Circle.


  • BElieve in YOU - A 20-week peer support program for women who are or have been engaged at the intersections of domestic violence and sex work. BElieve in YOU holds the continuum of consent from choice, circumstance, to coercion at the core of its programming. We believe that involvement in sex work is unique to each individual, and engaging at the intersection of domestic violence and sex work is all about empowering women to be as safe as possible in any situation.




  • Real Talk - This two-hour customized workshop is available to anyone interested in learning how to recognize domestic violence, understand its impact on an individual and the community, and develop comfort in responding to domestic violence disclosures, including providing appropriate support and referrals to services. Click Here to Inquire About Real Talk


  • Rainbow Ready - This capacity building program is aimed at providing service providers and community agencies the knowledge and skills to provide safe, inclusive service to 2SLGBTQ+ individuals experiencing domestic violence. The program includes an organizational audit, with an examination of agency space, promotional documentation and guiding policies and procedures. It also includes a 1-day, specialized training workshop, designed to meet each agencies unique needs. Since this program requires in-person and in-office interactions, the Rainbow Ready program has been put on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are currently taking bookings for 2021. Click Here to Inquire about Rainbow Ready


  • Collective Impact - Collective Impact starts with a very powerful idea – that together we can make large scale social change. By working together, with a common agenda, common purpose and common values – we can prevent domestic violence. Sagesse recognizes that large scale social change requires broad cross-sector leadership, coordination, collaboration and engaged citizens. Working together, we can change the prevalence of domestic violence and build healthy and sustainable communities throughout the province. For More Info Click Here


  • Domestic Violence Screening - This screening tool is intended to provide Family Law legal professionals information about domestic violence risk levels in family law matters. Information about domestic violence risk levels is helpful in supporting both the parties and the mediator/arbitrator in ensuring that attentiveness to potential power imbalances during mediation/arbitration can be addressed. This assessment is not designed to be used as evidence of the existence of, or absence of domestic violence, and details of a person’s answers to this questionnaire will not be released to anyone. For More Info Click Here