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The Mustard Seed has been serving individuals experiencing poverty and homelessness for over 35 years and has become a haven for those in need.


OUR VISION - To eliminate homelessness and reduce poverty where we serve.


OUR MISSION - To build hope and well-being for our most vulnerable citizens through Jesus’ love.



  • Christ-Centeredness
  • Transparent Accountability
  • Treating All With Respect
  • Open Communication
  • Holistic Innovation
Open hours today: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Toggle weekly schedule
  • Monday

    9:00 am - 7:00 pm

  • Tuesday

    9:00 am - 7:00 pm

  • Wednesday

    9:00 am - 7:00 pm

  • Thursday

    9:00 am - 7:00 pm

  • Friday

    9:00 am - 7:00 pm

  • Saturday

    9:00 am - 7:00 pm

  • Sunday

    9:00 am - 7:00 pm

  • March 8, 2025 7:37 am local time

Gender & Sexuality
Services & Programming Offered


  • Calgary Wellness Centre - Our Wellness Centre staff work with over 150 agencies across Calgary to provide advocacy, mental health and addiction counselling, chaplaincy, tax clinics and legal advice. Advocates also connect with guests to provide assistance when applying for Alberta Works, AISH, and obtaining referrals for clothing, prescription glasses, and legal assistance.

P - 587.393.4930

E - [email protected]

* Please note: due to COVID-19, we are not accepting walk-in appointments.


  • Calgary Foothills Shelter - The Mustard Seed meets the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness by providing individuals with emergency shelter, food, clothing, hot showers, and hygiene supplies. Transportation to and from our shelter is provided daily from our Downtown Support Centre. Currently we have a capacity of 370 adults every night. We offer transportation to and from the Downtown Support Centre.

P - 403.723.9422

E - [email protected]


  • First Alliance Church (temporary shelter) - Our friends at FAC graciously offered their help by providing this space as a temporary emergency shelter when COVID-19 hit. Here the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness and poverty are met with shelter and a sense of security.

*Note: If anyone in the community has questions regarding changes to the Development Permit, Building Permit or Land Change Use Permit, please contact:

Donald Lloyd
(Director of Facilities)
C: 403.681.9218
P: 403.767.2477
E: [email protected]


Calgary Downtown Support Centre -The Downtown Support Centre offers programs and services for our guests, including:

  1. Employment support
  2. Spiritual care
  3. Mailboxes
  4. Snacks
  5. Emergency clothing
  6. We offer transportation to and from the Foothills Shelter

P - 403.269.1319

E - [email protected]

* Please note: due to COVID-19, our building is currently being used as an isolation centre. Programs and services are limited at this time.


  • Calgary Employment - The Employment Services team (403.615.9216) works closely with clients to help them find meaningful, dignified work, and financial stability. Our coaches help individuals with:
  1. Skills development
  2. Resume building
  3. Job searches
  4. Employment retention assistance
  5. Access to work attire and protective equipment

Click Here to Learn More

* Please note: due to COVID-19, programs and services are limited at this time.


  • Calgary Spiritual Care - The Mustard Seed provides opportunities to meet the spiritual needs of its community; as a Christian organization, spiritual care is the cornerstone of what we do. Our programs are welcome to everyone and are voluntary to those who seek it. Bible Study Drop-in Hours – Downtown Support Centre: Mon. – Thurs. 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. & Fri. 5 p.m.


  • Calgary Housing - The Mustard Seed’s housing provides low-income Calgarians with more than just a safe, secure, private apartment of their own. Residents are supported with a community (events/activities, amenities, house keeping), education (free access to computers and employment coaching), and health care (free Wellness Centre located on main floor). Our Housing First approach (housing as a first step) allows us to help people right away from all walks of life, like people who need a safe place, seniors living on a fixed income, new immigrants to Canada, people with disabilities, and people who have special needs. Permanent and temporary, we have a total of 274 support living housing units in Calgary. For information or to apply, please contact us.

P - 403.767.2417

E - [email protected]

* Please note: due to COVID-19, our application process has been modified to abide by AHS protocols and regulations.


  • Homes for Heroes ATCO Village - Homes for Heroes ATCO Village is a partnership between the Homes for Heroes Foundation and The Mustard Seed, that provides transitional living for veterans as they work to heal and reintegrate into society. Click Here to Learn More

P - 403.477.6905

E - [email protected]


  • SEEDschool - The Mustard Seed engages students with hands-on learning about poverty and homelessness with the goal of challenging them to raise awareness about these issues in their community. At SEEDschool, teachers and students are immersed in workshops as well as experiential and service-learning, in order to build capacity for critical understandings of our interconnected Calgary community.

P - 403.269.1319

E - [email protected]


  • SeedServe - Seed Serve is a 7-day experience for your youth group focusing on God’s response and our call to those experiencing poverty and homelessness. Through community, discipleship, and service, we will explore how God is calling us to be a part of our communities and how we can step into his mission. Click Here for More Info

P - 403.269.1319

E - [email protected]

* Please note: due to COVID-19, some of our programs have been altered.



We recognize that poverty is no longer confined within the blocks of our downtown cores and we understand the value of going out into communities and providing supports to those in need. Our three community hubs create a greater sense of community and well-being that emphasize the importance of prevention in the fight to eliminate homelessness and reduce poverty. These hubs act as a welcoming community space and offer a variety of services from a cup of coffee, to employment support, workshops, after-school programming, and much more.


  • Marlborough Park Neighbour Centre Calgary - The Neighbour Centre facilitates a greater sense of community and well-being among the neighbours of Marlborough Park and surrounding areas. Click Here to Learn More


  • Strathcona Neighbour Centre Edmonton - Located on the east end of Whyte Avenue in the Strathcona community, the Neighbour Centre is an accessible resource for our clients in south Edmonton. Click Here to Learn More


  • The Mosaic Centre Edmonton - The Mosaic Centre serves and supports individuals experiencing poverty and homelessness, as well as low-income families in north Edmonton. Click Here to Learn More