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Unitarians are united by values rather than belief in one set of creed or dogma. Our values include acceptance of one another, compassion, and a commitment to justice and equity. We believe in exploring the mysteries of life, we believe in ethical living, we believe in living out our spirituality in this world by working for peace, justice, equality, democracy, and respect—for one another, as well as for the interdependent web of life, of which we are all a part. We believe that it is not who or what you believe in that is important, but rather, how you live your life.


We are united not by creed or dogma, but by a shared covenant (our seven Principles). We draw wisdom and inspiration from Unitarian Universalism, but also from many faith traditions. We are atheist, agnostic, believers in God, and more.


On the forefront of social and environmental justice, we champion Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer inclusion and act for a just and sustainableworld.


We welcome you: your whole self, with all your truths and your doubts, your worries and your hopes. Join us on this extraordinary adventure of faith. Get involved!


We are

  1. Partner to the Compassion Charter
  2. Member of Calgary Interfaith Council
  3. Member of the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good
Open hours today: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Toggle weekly schedule
  • Monday

    9:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • Tuesday

    9:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • Wednesday

    9:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • Thursday


  • Friday

    9:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • Saturday


  • Sunday

    10:00 am - 1:00 pm

  • March 9, 2025 8:41 am local time

Gender & Sexuality
Services & Programming Offered


Click here for the most up to date event list

An LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation - Click Here to read more


Online Service - To keep our congregants safe, all our services are online during the pandemic.Sunday Services are broadcast via the Zoom platform. Here’s how the day runs:

Pre-service coffee time runs from 10 – 10:30.

Sunday service will run from 10:30 am – 11:30 or so.

Attendees can’t use their microphone or webcam, but you can communicate with the speakers using the chat facility. The Order of service is available online.  If you wish, you may download it so you can print it and refer to it during the service. Coffee hour will start after the service and run until 1 pm. You’ll be assigned randomly to a small chat group; you can stay as long as you like. Click Here for More Info


Adult Religious Exploration - We have a variety of religious exploration and social programs for adults including classes, retreats, and drop-in groups. For more info on Adult programming email - [email protected]


  • Theme-Based Listening Circles (TLCs) - Unlike some religious traditions that emphasize concepts of sin and forgiveness, Unitarian Universalism responds to the challenge of the human longing for connection. We see ourselves and many around us hungering to re-connect to our deepest selves, life’s gifts and needs greater than our own. At the Unitarian Church of Calgary, we bring together individuals with differing needs, gifts and beliefs, and we are inspired and encouraged to live life as an expression of our common values. We do this by creating an environment and opportunities for contemplation and celebration, loving interactions with one another, lifelong learning, and engagement in social action, together or individually. All of this is supported by the deep listening that takes place in small groups – our Theme-Based Listening Circles (TLCs). TLCs are held towards the end of the month at various times throughout the city, and beyond. This is an invitation to reflect, participate, and experience a deeper sense of connection. Click Here for More Info 



  • Buddhist Meditation Group - In the Vietnamese tradition of Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh, we sit for 25 minutes of silent meditation, practice tea meditation, chant briefly and discuss Buddhist philosophy and practice. Please bring a pillow or bench – chairs are also available. There is no cost and no experience required. Everyone is welcome!

Times & Dates: 7:30 – 9:00 pm, Mondays
The group also organizes an annual meditation retreat in Canmore and bi-monthly days of mindfulness


  • Moving with Spirit: Dances of Universal Peace - All are welcome to celebrate the spirit within and experience the joy of connecting with music, movement and song. Create sacred space for peace, healing and community – with our bodies, voices and spirits. All ages and abilities welcome.

No registration required. Free will offering.

Time & Dates: Sundays, 2:00 – 4:30 pm, fall through winter, dates TBD
Location: Wickenden Hall
Contact: Ronnie Joy Leah and Friends


  • Stitching Circle - for quilters, sewers, knitters, and others. Bring a handiwork project (quilting, sewing, knitting, etc.) that you would like to complete in the company of others. Bring whatever supplies and equipment you need, task lighting, extension cords, and any kind of handwork that’s relatively easy to transport. This is on a drop-in basis, so those who wish to attend a particular session should ensure that someone with a key will be in attendance.

Times & Dates: 10:00 am to 12 noon every other Wednesday from March 5th to June 26th
Location: Location varies and will be listed in the church calendar. Wickenden Hall if free.
Contact: Carolyn Preston


YOUTH PROGRAMS (ages 12-20)

Youth at the Calgary Unitarians meet during the service, in a space that has been decorated by the youth, for the youth. It’s a place where open discussion happens in a safe environment. We talk about our faith. We talk about other faiths. We do fun activities. We talk service. We talk acceptance and openness. All with respect and a shared sense of learning about each other and our world. For many youth it’s a valued time to decompress from their week and find comfort in shared experiences and community.

The youth also attend the service upstairs in Wickenden on a periodic/monthly basis, based on class votes for services of interest. These dates are posted on the Room 8 door.

Youth Classes: September to May, 10:30am to 11:30am, downstairs in Room 8. There are no classes July/August, youth are welcome to attend the summer services in Panabaker during this time.
Youth Advisor: Holly Noelle
Questions? Email: [email protected]

Click Here for Required Registration Form 

Click Here for Required Release & Media Consent Form



The mission of our Children and Youth Religious (CYRE) Exploration Program is to help each child grow within our supportive community. We want our  children and youth to:

  • Become religiously literate, especially regarding Unitarian Universalism,
  • See themselves as ethical and moral decision-makers,
  • Develop a deep appreciation for all religious and spiritual perspectives,
  • Cultivate earth stewardship and awareness, and
  • Recognize themselves as active agents for good in the world.

Click Here for More Info

Class Groupings - Age groupings are flexible based on enrollment, individual needs and maturity levels. Age groupings are:

  • Nursery, ages 0-2: Infants to 2 years can be signed-in to the nursery anytime after 10:15 am for supervised play time with our volunteer nursery team. Pick-up is 11:45 – 12:00 to allow guardians time to participate in post-service coffee time. Parents are always welcome to stay with their child in the Nursery as needed.
  • Explorers, ages 3-7: Children start upstairs in the service and after the “CYRE sharing” head down with their leaders to Room 3, which is next door to the nursery. Being next door to the nursery helps young children make the transition to the CYRE program smoothly and at their own pace. The class is jointly themed with the older Elementary class, often including a short discussion and related activity, with the rest of the time being free play to build friendships and community. Parents are always welcome to join the Explorers with their child as needed.
  • Elementary, ages 8-11: The children start upstairs in the service and after the “CYRE sharing” head down with their leaders downstairs to Room 1. Themes and activities are centered on our 7 principles, UU values, other religions/ cultures/holidays, self-care, and caring for our environment.
  • Junior Youth and Senior Youth (ages 12-20): please visit our Youth Programs page.


For More Information Email - [email protected]